Infusion Anti Aging Cream


Aging is Inevitable

Looking your age is a choice. DermRad delivers minerals and nutrients through the skin to the point of need. A 1st topical delivery of effective Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), a free radical scavenger it re-builds collagen and strengthens immunity.


Space science discovery regenerates aging skin cells. Created in the NASA space lab research into cellular regeneration. DermRad infuses skin with nutrients and repairs damage caused by free radicals that cause health problems.

Beauty through Wellness

“Beauty we say is an inside job,” “You don’t need a routine. After washing use the DermRad Cream. No eye cream, no neck cream, no primer on top. Everything is in the one cream. Most luxury brands sell you a dream. We treat the cause and not just sell you cosmetic masks.

The Science of Radical Beauty

The compound was engineered with the application of modern technology and the trade secret formula; Derm-FROST: Derm – Free Radical Optimized Stasis Technology – was created utilizing the cationic nutritional minerals; Copper, Magnesium and Zinc and combined with elements found in nature and the healthy cells of your body.

Derm-FROST has consistently improved over the years until perfected. The formula is based upon the exhaustive scientific studies of an ancient botanical compound which was minimally effective but held great promise.

Science, Nature & Beauty in Balance

All skin and most other health problems are a result of cell mutation due to toxicity and other stressors (often referred to as free radicals). FROST uniquely creates a specialized micronutrient mineral; Super Oxide Dismutases (SOD) which operates as free radical oxygen scavengers to eliminate toxins. The topical applications containing FROST penetrate (systemically) through the skin’s surface and work to eliminate anaerobic and or mutated cells.

We have spent many years researching, to find scientific abstracts pertaining to non-chemical solutions to replace pharmaceutical agents and have found the “best of the best” with defensible clinical trials.

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